Sponsored Youth Programs

Our support of youth programs in the Los Altos community is rewarded by watching children grow and develop their strengths.  We want each child to have an equal opportunity to turn their dreams into reality, and sponsoring unique programs to encourage community involvement is one of many tools we employ.

Los Altos High School Key Club

The Los Altos Kiwanis Club sponsors and supports a Key Club  at Los Altos High School.  A Key Club is a service organization within the high school, structured along the same lines as Kiwanis.  The Key Club is governed by a board elected from the membership, and it is part of the international organization.  Weekly meetings, fundraisers, service projects, regional, national and international conferences are all part of the Key Club experience. Leadership, organization, and an appreciation for the importance of community service are all benefits of Key Club membership.

Foothill College Circle K Club

We also sponsor a college-aged service organization known as a Circle K Club at Foothill Community College. The latest stories at Circle K can be found here.  

Watch our Foothill College Circle K Club in this Video helping out at the Ecumenical Hunger service project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0gi-OW_QRk

K-Kids at Loyola School  

We have a very active K-Kids Club at Loyola School in Los Altos for elementary school children.  Each year theK-Kids hold several drives (a toiletry drive for Community Services Agency, and an eyeglasses drive for an international organization). Here is the application and photos from our Loyala K-Kids club activities.